Thursday, September 18, 2008

We've Been Sick!

Our household has been battling a nasty virus/flu and I think we are getting to the end of its survival. It all started Friday afternoon after Gracie woke from her nap and had a 103.2 temp (her high 103.7). We continued to battle all night and she seemed to break them in the early morning and seemed to have a good day on Sat. But when we returned from the game (thank god we didn't drink much) she had a horrible night with temps and sleeping only 20-30 min at a time, waking up bawling, and then us trying to get her back to sleep. How exhausting. She also was grunting so we thought something was wrong. We took her into the Dr.s office on a Sunday and she got the works. Throat swab, blood drawn for cultures and labs, and she had to be catheterized to get a urine sample. It was horrible but luckily everything came back negative and it was decided a virus. She seemed to be doing fine the rest of Sunday and even Monday. And then Monday afternoon I was getting goosebumps on a nice sunny day. Oh yeah, I caught her illness. I experienced chills, fevers (my high 103.0), body aches, dizziness, sore throat, and head ache. It wasn't fun and I don't think I've ever had a temp that high. Anyways, we are on the mend. Gracie is back to normal and I still spiked a temp last night, so hopefully that was my last one. Wash your hands everyone; you don't want this virus thats going around!

1 comment:

Maria, Anthony Charlie and Maggie said...

Where did you have that pic taken? Love the sunflowers, Gracie is so adorable!