Thursday, November 6, 2008

We had a great Halloween. Even I got a treat because I was supposed to work on Halloween and they switched me to a different day. We went to Genoa on Wed. 29th to surprise Papa and Gramma Jo. It was a little early, but they really enjoyed seeing Gracie. Great Grandma Lund did too. On Halloween, Hoff and I carved pumpkins(as you can see) and we tried to enjoy the beautiful weather. We didn't go to too many places; just the neighbors and Grandma and Grandpa Hoffy. We didn't have as many trick or treaters this year; 37 compared to last years 65. Everyone thought Gracie was sooo cute. Personally, I liked her stinger the best.


Colleen said...

I liked her stinger too!!! Actually that rear end can sting the nostrils in real life, hehe. I liked your pumpkins too, neat!

Maria, Anthony Charlie and Maggie said...

How the heck did you carve such cool pumpkins? I have no imagination what so ever!