Monday, September 21, 2009

Miss Evie Belle Has Arrived.

Well it all started around midnight. I was getting woke up by little contractions. Around 1 to 2 am they started getting pretty intense and I was unable to sleep because of this.  I thought I had better get to the hospital before I was unable to tolerate the pain. They were around 4 minutes apart;I was dilated 4-5 cm; I got admitted and they told me to walk to increase my contractions. All the walking did was slow the process down.  So, Dr. Dziko broke my water and I instantly progressed to 7 cm. I got my epidural and boy was that a good epidural.  I couldn't feel my legs or butt for like 2-3 hours after Evie was born. I pushed like 4 times and out came Miss Evie. I, unfortunately had to be cut again; I was hoping to avoid that this time.  The only bad thing about this experience was that I was unable to sleep. I got about an hour before this all started and got a couple 15 minute cat naps here and there. Running on no sleep; guess I better get used to it. Other than tiredness, I feel great. Evie is checking out to be a grade A baby.  She already loves to be warm and likes her pacifier. Her fingernails are really long, I need to cut them already.  She has very similar characteristics to Miss Gracie, but has a little darker hair and she has a thinner face. Gracie was really excited to meet Evie and likes to give her lots of kisses.  I'm in the new mother/baby tower. Besides the nice enviroment, snack and beverage room, room service, my favorite thing is the heated toilet seat! Awesome-I really want one for my house.  The second time around is really different. You know what is going on and can enjoy the experience.  Its going to be a real adjustment transitioning from a family of three to a family of four, but we welcome it with open and happy arms.  Evie, we are so glad you joined our family and we love you lots.

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