Thursday, November 26, 2009

I'm a Big Girl Now . . . . Well Almost.

Gracie has gone through some big-girl changes in a short period of time.  I finally bit the bullet and took Gracie's Nuk sippy cups away from her. I was just tired of washing them. There was much protest; throwing the new sippy cups, crying, anger, whining, but eventually she drank out of them.  Then Gracie, during one of her sippy cup tantrums, threw the apple juice from the fridge onto the floor and got sent to bed early and I angrily told her "And no pacifier!" Meaning for that evening, but she didn't ask for the pacifier for 1 whole day and I took full advantage of that. She now doesn't use a pacifier!!!!! Yea!!!! However she does steal Evies once in a while, but not as often as I thought she would. Now that we got rid of the pacifier, she really has a hard time getting to sleep. So, that's what the picture is about - she reads all sorts of books, does puzzles, and plays with her stuffed animals. Its quite funny.  We have also started using the potty! Although we aren't in full force yet, she is using the toilet more than she is her diapers!  She likes to use it as an excuse to avoid nap and bedtime.  Hopefully by the time I go back to work I'll have her trained! Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Maria, Anthony Charlie and Maggie said...

Love all the great new pics and adorable stories of your life!!! :) See ya in Mexico Baby!