Saturday, June 26, 2010

"I Gotta Go Potty Mom!"

We finally bit the bullet, started potty training and I think we have it pretty well bagged. We started off going potty every hour the first day and we had a lot of accidents. I was thinking to myself  "This isn't going to work!" She'd either pee like 20 minutes after we had gone or like 10-20 minutes before the hour mark. The second day was similar to the first but we were about 50/50 for getting to the toilet.  Same for the 3rd day; much less pee in the pants and more in the potty.  We were doing diapers at nap time and bed time and have eliminated nap time diapers. We are only making her wear diapers at bedtime now.  We have the occasional accident but I'm calling her pretty well potty trained at 31 months! Yea for you Gracie and victory for Mom & Dad!!! Whoo Hoo!

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