Saturday, September 1, 2012

Wild Plums!

 We have wild plum bushes down the south side of our driveway and recently, they were ready to be picked!
 It was almost like an Easter egg hunt - some in the trees, some on the ground.
 We all had fun picking them.
 Gracie helped me put them in the bucket.

 Little bit bigger than a grape. They do have a pretty color.
 Even Oscar came out to help!
 UUUGGggggghhhh! They bucket was starting to get heavy with all our plums!
 Evie took this picture - we got about a 1/3 of a 5 gallon bucket.

 And then after some research and phone calls.... I attempted to make jelly.
And it turned out great! I ended up with 30 jars!

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