Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

 Mother's Day is just another excuse for all of us to get together. Me and my girls - I love them so much! They definitely make being a Mom a challenge, but who isn't up for a challenge?
 All of us with Mom. She's been such a wonderful Mom! Thanks for all you do Mom!
 We had a brunch ( to use up some of Mom's eggs - Ha) and then dilly bars for dessert!
 We told them to hold up their dilly bars :)
 After awhile, just eating dilly bars wasn't enough.  They had to paint the tree with the ice cream.  The said they were making a Christmas tree - goofs.
 We blew some bubbles. I just loved how Evie blew her bubbles - hand on hip and all.
Colleen and I with some of Mom's baby chicks. I had a great Mother's day.

1 comment:

Maria, Anthony Charlie and Maggie said...

Great pics,Carey!! You made a very pretty mommy on Mothers Day!