Sunday, September 18, 2011

September Randoms

 I found this large mushroom and a blog I follow had found one too on her way home from taking the kids to school.  She called it a "toddler" stool instead of a "toad" stool cause it was so large! I thought that was cute.
 If these girls could sleep in any weirder positions....butt to butt?
 I thought this was a sweet picture even though it involves the bathroom.  They are sharing books while going potty!
 I have this week and next week off (work the weekends), so we are going to try to potty train!? She will occasionally tell me she has to poop and usually does, so I think she (we) can do this! Wish me luck!
 We were out at Memphis Lake on a nature walk, when I came across this site...there is four locust shells all in a row on this tree - thought it was strange.
 Here Gracie is helping Grandma Lund cut and serve the cake she helped frost!  She loves to cook/help!
 Here's the praying mantis that I found in my sweet potato vine. They are so gross and cool looking at the same time!
 My sweet Grace!
 My lovely Evie!
When we were little, we would scour the farm and try to find these garden spiders and claim them as our spiders.  I haven't seen one in a LONG time...until the other day.  I had one set up home sweet web in my sweet potato vine! I've been checking in on it (not too closely though) and it must be catching a good amount of bugs cause his round little body keeps getting larger! Yikes!

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