Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spring is Here 2011

 Oh, I forget what these are called, but I really like them.  Spring is started to show itself around our house and I'm loving it!
 The girls got to take their Escalade out for a cruise the other day, when the weather was so nice. Both girls had huge smiles on their faces and rode that baby all over the yard.  Gracie, of course, was the driver, who had trouble getting the concept that you have to steer. And Evie was ever so delightful sitting shotgun.  She did her shotgun duties and found music that they could jam to - both girls were dancing and driving! They are going to be nightmare teenage drivers! Yikes!

 My pretty crocus' that I planted around the trees.  I just bought a variety pack of yellow, white, and purple and have mostly yellow, some white, and like 3 purple ones. Bummer - woulda liked more purple. Oh well, the yellows pretty!
 Had to throw this picture in here.  Nice enough the other day to hang clothes out on the line and  here was Gracie's idea of what the clothes pins were for! Ha!  That is another project I would like to do this summer - install a clothes line.  I like to hang them for some reason and its very green! :)
 The leaves are budding on our sunset maple - hopefully that tree grows a little this year.  We've had it for almost 4 yrs and no growth.
These are my blue bells in the front of the house - I love their color!
These are my Hyacinth.  I love their purple color and they have the greatest smell. That's why I put them next to the sliding glass door step so that when I sit and soak in the spring sun, I can smell my flowers.
So, I took up Mom's idea of planting new bulbs every fall.  Last fall, I grabbed a bag of 50 red tulips!  I cussed my self up this way and that for having bought so many, as they are not the easiest thing to plant.  But now look at all my pretty maids in a row.  I am going to enjoy them when they bloom - that  was my motivation to get them all planted last fall.  Tulips seem to last the longest out of all the spring blooms, but this fall I think I want to plant some daffodils and maybe not so many this time. :)

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